“I hope that all people who have been hurt by the war will have the opportunity to try this treatment which will enable them to pursuit their lives in peace,” said the 12 years old (R. Q) who suffered from war atrocities that are inconceivable by the human mind. She witnessed a horrible massacre which took the life of her father. He and six other members of her family were killed and three other individuals were arrested before her own eyes. She almost got killed too when they were trying to escape their village, which was attacked abruptly, causing her to lose her senses and to think that she became mad.
As if this accident was not enough to satisfy the insatiable appetite of war, Batul has suffered from displacement and transportation for several times under bad conditions. She was also forced to leave school for two successive years, what lead to the deterioration of her educational level. Her family was torn apart and the eldest sister had to assume the responsibility of her family because her mother was unable to look after her five children after witnessing that massacre. If the psyche of any adult who is exposed to all those disasters must be harmed, so what about a gentle little girl who did not exceed 12 years old? These calamities have had a devastating effect on the psychology of that soft flower, which was overwhelmed by orphanhood, sadness, losses and despair until the treatment journey began at the Psychological Support Centre in Gaziantep.
At the beginning of the treatment, she was in a very poor state and spoke with a quivering tone of voice mixed with whines. During the first sessions she was given the floor to express her emotions and after reducing their intensity she began the EMDR treatment, which is characterized by its effectiveness in the treatment of psychological trauma. Improvement appeared gradually and after the ninth session she became able to remember all the past catastrophic events but without any discomfort or pain, as her fears of the future have been reduced and she became more optimistic. She was able to pursuit her studies after the significant improvement of her educational level. She boosted also her self-confidence and become more adaptable to her surrounding circumstances. The most important thing is that she had the opportunity to regain her lost life.