Ghayath Jameel Al-Yateem lives with his wife and five children in a Syrian village called Mozra, which belongs to the area of Jericho, inside a simple house where the temperature drops below zero in the winter and transforms the house into an oven in the summer, whence comes this heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy that inflicts life with bitter agony and painful misery.
It should be noted that Ghayath was a teacher for many generations of knowledge seekers, as he sought to instill the principles of freedom and dignity in them, ignoring the oppression and injustice of the regime. He remained so until he broke away from the regime and joined the revolution. He was injured in one of the battles in the fighting fronts that has caused the amputation of his two hands.
As a result of these events, the life of the family turned into a traumatic tragedy that has affected the family in general and the children in particular. In this context, the seventeen-year-old Jameel, the eldest son, described the suffering of the family saying: “We have lost hope as we were watching my father’s state going from bad to worse day after day because of the injury, we see him sick and unable to provide anything for us. He was taken by confusion and pessimism to the point that his ultimate demands became restricted to having some clothes or some dish given to us for charity.”
In fact, his wife, Ra’eifa (Umm Jameel), has borne the burden of this family since their only breadwinner got sick, while Abu Jameel and his son Jameel spend days and nights in hospitals looking for a way to reduce the pain he suffers as a result of the injury.
The prayers of Al-Yateem family were not in vain, for God seems to have sent us to them to help relieve them and stand by their side to change their situation for the better. Immediately, hard efforts started to be made in order to help brother Ghayath, and we encouraged him to start a project.
It was helpful for us that Umm Jameel was skilled in sewing, and with the help of God, we realized a sewing project that is worth a total of 1120 dollars. It is worth mentioning that the first step towards success was to offer a solar-panel electrical energy generator for this project.
Moreover, beacuse such projects are nonexistent in the area, Abu Jameel’s family project saved the residents from the difficult task of having to travel to nearby villages to tailor their clothes. Consequently, all women’s trendy clothes were delivered to the customers upon demand, and this is mainly because they have become the number one and sole provider of the local market. On the other hand, they have now started thinking about tailoring children’s underwear and selling them to local shops.
Abu Jameel and his wife could not in the past afford to buy clothes for their children, as finding something to eat was for them much more important. It was for this reason that the children used to wear only the old rags that were donated for charity by some relatives or neighbors.
Thanks to God, this situation has changed for the better. Since the beginning of the “Blessed Revenue” project provided by Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation with the support of the Qatari Raf Foundation, everyone got more than two sets of clothes and an additional jacket for the coming winter.
On the other side, it was easy to make an inventory for the furniture inside the house in just a single line, but now, thanks to God, the family has a full set of home furniture owing to the project’s earnings and turnovers that are estimated at about $ 100 per month.
In this context, brother Ghayath commented by saying: “I thank God for making this project possible and helping me keep my children under my roof yearning again to study and learn. My son, Mustapha, wants to become a doctor to treat me and make smart hands implants for me in the future. My daughter Bayan seeks to become a teacher to follow my career in raising a generation of intellectuals after I have lost the two hands that I used to use when teaching.”