While looking for potential beneficiaries of the ‘Blessed Revenue’ projects that the Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation sets up with the support of the Qatari RAF foundation and that help secure a good income for their owners, we have met with uncle Saleh, who is one of those who have benefited from the organization’s charity projects.
Actually, uncle Saleh left the town of Barqa in rural Daraa with his family of nine. Despite his critical health condition, his wife’s diabetes, and one of his kids’ symptomatic memory loss, the man looked for a job so as not to beg from people, especially that the cost of living and his inability to cope with it have both reached a climax.
In the meantime, the Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation team visited the needy family and told them it was ready to reach out a hand. Since the family members are already skilled in raising sheep and livestock in general, the Foundation has purchased a good number of sheep and some quantities of hay and sheep food and has offered them to this family.
As a result, the project has made a significant difference in the life of uncle Saleh’s family. After they could barely afford a living, they have become the permanent daily milk supplier to the entire neighborhood. After frequent field visits by the team, the monitoring and evaluation (M & E) process has shown a significant shift in the status of the family as their living standards improved.