The Syrian economy was promising at a time, and Syria was one of resettlements for refugees of other countries. However, the last few years of war disabled economical activity and put Syria in worst humanitarian and economic crisis for the time being until the mid of 2018 and still the situation is very bad without any promising sign putting an end to this situation.

Since the beginning of protests in Syria in 2011, around half million people was killed in addition to 75% of doctors and medical field workers who ran away.

Also, since upsurge of fighting more than six million people was forcibly displaced from their homes finding another safe place within Syrian borders. According to united nation humanitarian organization reports there were nearly 6550 Syrian citizens run away to live in non- official shelters or settlements or even abandoned buildings along the borders of turkey in north Syria.

Though earlier, Syria has a strong educational system as primary school enrollment rate had reached nearly 100% and secondary schools 70%. Unfortunately, this case was changed as there are more than 1.75 million Syrian children and youth did not get their chance to be educated. Moreover, third of Syrian schools or even more was damaged or totally destroyed or even used as shelters for displaced people. In addition to Syrian suffering from children malnutrition as nearly 1.7 million child, pregnant or breastfeeding women are suffering from acute malnutrition.

Additionally, a lot of Syrian areas affected by war suffering from lack of water and essential sanitary services because of pump and pipes failure which increase the danger of spreading epidemic diseases as daily person share in some of these areas which contains the largest number of refugees has reached 22 liters which is not equal even the tenth of daily American share in water.

Although Syria owns some of the oil reserve, however production is no longer as it was before reaching its peak in 2002 by producing 677 hundred barrels daily. Unfortunately, since war outbreak until now production was decreased reaching 25,00 barrels daily only. Also, evolving armed conflict in Syria affected agriculture, resulting in destroying agricultural production which leads to lose more than 16 billion dollars of crops and animal production and destruction of agricultural sources.

These crises had evolved acuity of poverty in Syria which dropped by 70% after war outbreak. Nowadays, country became one of the most countries suffering from inflation as in December 2017 inflation rate was 43.2 %, unemployment of more than half of the citizens and 82.5% lives below poverty line.

These facts about poverty in Syria helps in giving a better understanding to harsh situation of affected areas which force different countries, organizations, charitable associations and benefactors try to meet humanitarian call and support by offering donations. Actually, charitable organizations of good reputation including UNCHR, UNICEF, MSF, Red Crescent and a lot of non-profit charitable organizations like Sham humanitarian foundation try to offer aids to millions of affected Syrian citizens who suffers from privation, poverty and absence of essential good life needs.
