The feast “EID” was called by this name because it returns every year with joy and happiness to all Muslims. As Allah gave Muslims two feasts comes after two great prayers; they are Eid al-Fitr that comes after Ramadan and Eid al-Adha that comes after Hajj.
The feast is the exact time to pray to Allah thanking him for his grace. Cheerfully celebrate feast as this time is the time for taking break and rest. Every body is very happy especially children who enjoys their new cloths as they play all the day cheerfully.
Feat features for children
All children wait for feast excitedly planning what they are going to do and how they will celebrate. Also, they prepare toys, new cloths, and candies. Boys go with their fathers to the barbershop while girls help their mothers in cleaning home so as to nice and good.
In early morning of the first day of Eid al-Fitr, children wake up early so excited and ready to celebrate. The first thing to do feat prayer with their fathers and mothers then greeting all their neighbors, relatives and friends. Actually, these rituals are some of the noble customs adult try to teach the children so they learn to be kind and gentle knowing the importance of keeping good relations with relatives. Concerning Eid al-Adha, the children cooperate with their fathers while distributing meat on poor and deprived people as they learn the importance of giving and helping others.
Actually, what attracts the attention of children is eidia they take from relatives and friends while they visit their home as they are free to spend this money on in any way they prefer or even save it for school days or even give some of it to poor children who can not afford buying new cloths or toys or candy as this is one Muslims customs helping poor people in these days.
Actually, the most prominent feature characterizes these days the joyful environment while buy toys, candies and new clothes which makes these days good memories to remember for all children. Children feels in these days that they are focus of attention and the parents try to make them feel happy while choosing their own new clothes, toys and candies sharing with them very magnificent memories to remember.
Indeed, joy elder feels is less than what children feels as the hearts of children like empty vessels that has no place for sadness or spoiled by burdens. Therefore, the joy for children is getting new toy or new clothes or even a small present as the feast like a glorious dream for them.
Of course, all these rituals are the responsibility of parents as they must try to teach their children the importance of communicating with friends and relatives and greeting them with feast in addition to helping poor ones to feel the joy of feast by sharing food and money with them. All these customs grow kind and noble principles inside children’s hearts and helping them grow to be good men and women.
Indeed, nothing could be harsher than regarding a child who is not smiling, or deprived or needy or displaced with his parents and can not afford buy a toy, having no one to give him eidia or buy new clothes. This is the reality nowadays which resulted from wars and destruction striking many areas. This war resulted in many homeless children searching for home and food receiving feast with a sad face and broken heart. We must remember them while celebrating feast as we must share with them some of our money and food so they would be able feel joy and happiness once again instilling hope of promising future.